Bin-it is a customizable desktop trash can providing quick and easy access to the OS X Trash with themes and sounds, dock menu, badge, and much more.
- Desktop Trash: Keep a floating trash can on your desktop as per OS9 and earlier
- Trash Level Display: Your trash icon changes depending on how much is in the trash (your trash isn't just empty or full, so why is your icon?)
- A number of built-in themes and the option of designing and adding your own
- Adjustable: Select from multiple trash styles and change size, opacity, and other settings.
- Floating trash: keep on top, float, or keep below. Immediate delete and many more options. Take control of your Trash!
- Eject discs by drag-and-drop or with a right-click (or control-click) on the bin icon or dock icon (if showing)
- Option to secure-shred trash (7-pass overwrite (US DoD compliant))